Wednesday, December 27, 2006

When is enough ever enough? When the simple things in life eludes one, you start wishing for a simpler existence.


Stranger than Fiction


Strife is an ugly emotion.
It leaves one drained and robs one of all the ‘what-ifs’ of beautiful rainbows, psychedelic mentalscape and,feel-good-lovelove walks on one’s emotional tight-rope.


The School of Hard Knocks.
Some live to avoid it so much that every action, thought and emotion is predicated on Major Avoidance through a series of Disciplined Follow-Up of the turnings of one’s life. Everything has to have a logical conclusion. How boring. Chance has no hand. Free Will is an evil component. Inevitability is the order of the day – Logical Mental Theoreticizing becomes the core guide to one’s life ethos. Pride in one’s seeming acumen to project the future has only one outflow - the Projection of that exact personal vision upon others. Is that fair? It reeks of condescension.


Pre-emptive measures can be wise. But pre-emptive theoreticizing rooted in fear, paranoia and insecurity can be equally as destructive. There is only so much that you can pre-empt. Why and when do people start controlling the elements of their life? The answer lies in a certain fear of Something. Every action becomes calculated, every emotion in tandem with that calculated pre-judgement. There is no progression. There is no freedom in spontaneity, in second chances, in new beginnings, in breathing in new life.

Memory becomes a cursed Doppelganger, an unwelcomed yet equally non-intrusive entity, an insidious joy-killer.



Oh, the good life, full of fun seems to be the ideal
Mm, the good life lets you hide all the sadness you feel
You won't really fall in love for you can't take the chance
So please be honest with yourself, don't try to fake romance

It's the good life to be free and explore the unknown
Like the heartaches when you learn you must face them alone
Please remember I still want you, and in case you wonder why
Well, just wake up, kiss the good life goodbye


Trying your best suddenly becomes redundant. Efforts get foiled with a singular cutting look, a calculated graze in someone's heart meant to 'teach one a lesson'. In that concept of warped 'Lesson Provision', it may benefit some those who plug into such a militaristic school-of-thought. However, the free-spirited often just get pierced.

A smile is a curved line that sets things straight.


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