Friday, December 29, 2006

A good-friend-turned-colleague is a rare find.
You find lunchtime a scary affair, afraid of the noise you may find yourself churning out when timid mouse becomes you whilst you play the role of the office rat during working hours. Make that - Very Afraid.
We irritate each other with dubious visitations. And random emails.

Me disturbing her:

“wherefore art thou climbing thy dwellingcase with thy beloved shaslinda?

thy deluge of language upon such as myself hast caused thy beloved to macam become confused liddat.

methinks my language abilities suddenly not very pro.
need a walking-a-thon break.”

And she goes..

Her infamous ode to Today-The-Last-Friday-Of-The-Year-So-It’s-Pig-Out-Day:

“Oh chocolat chocolat
Wherefore art thou tres delicieux
Deny thy tummy and refuse thy gluttony
Or if thou wilt not,
Be but sworn my love
And I'll no longer be a detox wannabe.”


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