Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Office-ial Goals (Pun Fully Intended)

Haha. Its not just a case of Certified Nerds we have here in this orange building ;)

'Dear friends,

A good afternoon to you. Being the good and helpful colleagues that we are, it is imperative that from time to time, we give of ourselves for the betterment of the bigger good. Our CME counterparts are in dire need of photographs that bring out the essence of teamwork, and as standard operating procedures in his great company, would like to keep costs order to boost our bonuses and payraises.

So the plan is this: tomorrow at lunchtime, a group of guys will be playing soccer at the nearby basketball court, whilst a group of gals will be playing frisbee in the adjoining field. Snapshots would be taken randomly and freely, at any instance where our CME experts detect some semblance of teamwork. The session should take 30mins or thereabouts.

You are cordially invited to be part of this fun and meaningful activity, which would increase health, camaraderie and our pay packets. Please register your interest and enthusiasm soonest possible, and do feel free to forward this email to others in the company, as long as we don't get so many it seems like a fire drill at the basketball court instead. Thanks for your kind attention, dear comrades.'


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