Friday, November 03, 2006

I'm much happier, chirpier, light-hearted and not weight down lately. I didnt quite realize tt until i spoke to darlingzhen. I bother to dress up a bit more. One day flightygirlylacy chic, another modern chinois, today Lolitaesque retro. My style's not being cramped. And that is just on the physical forefront. i don't need to bother feeling guilty subconsciously about parading my weakness for chocolates and having a larger-than-most appetite.

Elaine and i went to CandyEmpire. It was magical, sigh. The chocolates abound, I am so dead. In the end, i bought Belgium florentines, German wafflechocs and Willy Wonka Whipple Scrumptious Caramel Delight. Am i tantalising you? (erm with the chocolates i mean). I've yet to try Royce chocolates. I wanna be a food critic, amongst many other i-wanna-be's. Sometimes i feel like a Jack-of-All-Trades but Master-of-None. Anyway, to balance our purchases from the land-of-all-things-chocolate, we had Wasabi Prawn Salad at coffeeclub. I'm trying to have healthy shiny hair. So proteins are on my list - the oil from fatty fish mainly, salmon, tuna. And eat your veggies and fruits, they're the best things on earth besides chocolates, i-love-you-and-you-definitely-know-it hugs, all forms of loveletters from my Heart-to-Hearts, plays, films, books, musicals, God-soaking, Watson-Guardian-shopping, fantastic prose and blogs, re-reading the labels on facial products/vitamins just acquired, a good night's rest preferably by 12, japanese food, dim sum, suppers at Simpangbedok, tinkering around my cosycorner finding things to do . And lately, shopping for clothes. As in real-GIRLS-shop-till-they-drop kinda fashion. You said that i'm a late bloomer fashion-wise. Maybe, maybe :) It's also functional - ive (hohohoh) spending power at last with this job, plus well my clothes have been 'incinerated' for reasons some might be able to understand. well, another reason to have new clothes. Let's all grow moneyplants.

Grr, this sounds like your typical Friendster entries. Petrifying Zappyfying those neurons back. Recall, recall. Just ticking that mental list off my head. I could be a pain and intellectualise and twist this to say that the abovementioned quirks of mine are mere signifiers to point, to direct, to disclose, for 'easy categorisation/compartmentalisation' or pigeonholing (very Tara-speak) the person i am. anyways.

Zhen invited me (and i think shooby + tarn) to this vintage fashion show thing tonight but i've something on. So in the spirit of that, i'm wearing a flirty-fun babydoll dress complete with a headband to work today.


There's a lot of satisfaction seeing the manuscript you edit or the things you write go out in print. Hee.

anyway, let's tickle you with some original sent-in jokes from this kid's science mag (my name is in it as one of the editors!) ;

What do you get from a nervous cow?
- Milkshake!

What do you call an old ant?
- An antique!

What do policemen put in their sandwiches?
- Traffic jam!

haha. maybe i should collect all these jokes in my mental store and i'll be a fantastic mum reciting all these second-hand jokes and churn out a fantastic, humourous, witty kid in the process.


i want to start reading Haruki Murakami's Sputnik Sweetheart and Kafka on the Shore. And Time Traveller's Wife. Come come someone lend me soon.


Drifting into moonrivers make me smile. The horizons are higher and the water's incessantly bluer - One's own Secret Garden.

Make your metaphors work for you.


Avalon - Testify To Love

All the colors of the rainbow, All of voices of the wind
Every dream that reaches out that reaches out
to find where love begins
Every word of every story, every star in every sky
Every corner of creation lives to testify

For as long as I shall live, I will testify to love
I'll be a witness in the silences when words are not enough
With every breath I take I will give thanks to God above
For as long as I shall live, I will testify to love

From the mountains to the valleys
From the rivers to the sea
Every hand that reaches out
Every hand that reaches out to offer peace
Every simple act of mercy
Every step to kingdom come
All the Hope in every heart will speak what love has done


JENFUR darling CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!! yay we have our very own air stewardess amongst us now ;)


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