Wednesday, October 25, 2006

To break out of boxes,self-imposed or otherwise. Transgressive Transformation? I think you're afraid of me. I think you want a status quo maintenance. I think you want to keep me safe and sane. I An image of who you think i am, of who you'd like me to be. I think i'd rather not, for i won't be beating myself up meeting expectations which I'd sooner come to resent. Let me do anything out of my heart's desire according to His expectations. cos at least He won't change when i let Him down.

The incessant Rise of the Phoenix.

No more being a wreck. Onward, forward.

There’s lots I gotta do. First, I need to find me an abode. House-house, come to me. The search will start with the newspapers this Friday. Let it be cheap, let it be quick.

My heart needs a physical home.

Jenfur darling, ill dress up prettypreety for you this Sun for your birthday.
Sunrise ShangriLa, Champagne Chipadees, Fairie Frocks and GlitterGemGals of mine.

Adieu Sweets, you shall hear from me.

Lightie-flightie lovelovelove, I see you seeing me but are you ever sure? Or am i too heavy-hearted, you heart me not?
Yawn my love out evey morning, drag it across the floor upon waking up, brush the dust off with your toothpaste and lock it up when you leave. Then leave the key under the rug so that i may awaken it when you forget to come back home.


I heard of a man who says words so beautifully
that if he only speaks their name,
women give themselves to him.
If I am dumb beside your body while silence blossoms like tumours on our lips,
it is because I hear a man
climb the stairs and clear his throat
outside our door.


Heart set a-beating.
17, all over again.
so adorable. goodness graciously adorable.



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