Thursday, October 26, 2006

The heart seeketh no pleasure when you can't trace the shape of it, rationalizing its emotions away with cool, hard Reason - thinking 'for me' and assuming that it is what 'i want' since it is the 'best way' for me . When that very foundation upon which you delineate such misaligned desires of my heart comes to naught, and you find out that it is not that which i desire for myself, the flies of your parochial, paternalistic, logical 'oh its the best way for you and probably what you would want for yourself and if you don't accept my sound reasonings then the devil must be in you and you must be crazy following your emotions and feelings and letting it dictate your decision' buzz around my ears like irritants out of the rubbish dump and you start wondering, why is she hurting me so by lashing out at me, let me tell you don't tell me my life plans when you refuse to factor in that i have that individual right to mak up my own mind, let me tell you that you have blatantly disregarded and wheedled away what i truly feel regarding certain decisions, that you have absolutely do not have a healthy respect for my being, that i cannot count on you being a nurturing and supportive presence in my life, and your fears of my fly-freebirding tendencies cause you to want to have that greater measure of control over every aspect of my life.

Some get it, but obviously you don't. Flyfreebird will exist alongside with the man she loves and who loves her enough to fly with her, not before her, not keeping her on a tight leash, not restricting her in a birdcage with his unduly fears for her and for their relationship.

Her heart will stay with him at all times, appreciative of that support and mutual understanding, gladdened with much joy that finally there is one who does not live in anguish when problems do not get solved immediately and still stay within trusting distance for look at us, all our problem unresolved despite 'talking it out' at every turn immediately because that's the way you are, because you want damage-control but what ever is the point of doing that when my own feelings, thoughts, desires and opinions are always being taken lightly and in fact dismissed and disregarded all the time.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear sha, you live your own life and don't let anyone mould you to the person in which he desires. because they have absolutely no right to do so and sha, u dont owe any obligations and lead urself into bondage.

favourite person. kiss kiss.

7:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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11:33 AM  

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