Friday, August 25, 2006

Faced with a spanking, brand-new eMac, this virgin of an Apple user will attempt to conquer the unconquerable -
that of an inevitable consummation of love and devotion towards the said object of my desire, fraught with frequent consumption of its love-child, the Internet.


I've decided to do a content revamp for this blog - a reflection of what i would term - a recent Occupational Habit (or Hazard, if you'd prefer). Since i utilise the internet for prolonged hours, my mindscape, if you can visualize it, tends to categorize knowledge/information akin to an eMac desktop, juggling multiple strands of knowledge and information belonging to varied interests/genre. Therefore, this blog would seek to be all-inclusive, not merely spanning the scope of that of a reality-check/update/fashioning one's utopia/friend-blog-ster. It is time to reclaim blogspot for my own knowledge-building purposes. Thing is, the term 'knowledge' sounds daunting. And i say, throw that mindset into the gutters and embrace knowledge in all its multi-faceted meaning. I will sorely disappoint you and tell you that the ending of my academic life surprisingly has found me stretching the horizons in the way i perceive and digest knowledge. I take in everything, not discounting or poo-pooing stereotypically 'useless' scraps of information from cancer-related myths to 'how to use an eMac' to the notions of hyper-reality. This is what i call the levelling of knowledge. Knowledge is meant to be egalitarian, not elitist.


This is life - iTunes, freedom to surf and getting paid to extend my obsession with the textual word into professional practice. I guess God knows what is best for me. I can imagine getting burnout, bored and bothered if i were to be in HR, marketing or industries like banking.

No one writes as atrociously as Math authors. Concerned with merely getting their sums across, they circumvent most laws of the English language and leave it to the editors to do the dirty.


the word in season


Sometimes I wonder if I’m living that life in order to gain fodder. A lived-in experience, or so one calls it. Hyper-reality.
Time to take up that mantle and take up the issues that reside close to my heart. The written word continues to be one’s mode of perpetrating that bloodless revolution. Sorry to disappoint but no hearts will be broken (if you think how unfortunate it is for me to be in such a position) for I seek not to stumble anyone, especially my loved ones. I seek only to sow in awareness.

I seek to understand why things are as such – of whether I am complicit to my own victimisation and figure the ways in which I can circumvent and achieve a unifying transcendence that does not involve tit-for-tat-ing. There must be a higher force which upholds all sense of justice, mercy and love.

You may think me mad, but madder are those who kill what they cannot have, especially in the name of love.
Do not fight that which you cannot kill.

How enchanting is the process of embattlement.


My questioning nature. The way I codify the surrounding world.


Endeavour not to justify yourself and speak in that language which circumvents all. Dare to create your own.


more Power, more Love


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