Wednesday, December 21, 2005

i am tired. just tired. i want to crawl into a cave. tiredness and dullness is infectious. people are afraid of it. they cannot deal with the personal downs of another. private pain is a public shame.


the language i speak now is that of the silent culture of the eyeball. i eyeball see-see look-look you. in this culture of eyeballing, this gestural language, you might perchance wonder if im speaking thru to you - the offer of a solemn friendship, the sweet promise of one's presence. what you don't understand, you can make mean anything. when words run out in this culture of tiredness and fatigue, i plead temporary insanity and a less-but-a-certainly-temporal fatigue.

one's silence does not kill. my silence is a language in itself. the eyeball acculturates itself to this culture of the Wordless Language when verbal communication becomes Bermuda-Triangulated in the aftermath of FlameDeluge. purification period can be pretty demanding on one's energy level.

i need rest in those pastures of Yours.


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