Wednesday, December 28, 2005

holidays are coming to an end, but it significantly propels me into my last semester of sch of which i am determined to devour and actually Go and enjoy it (since honestly there is not much motivation to Improve the grades, seeing the difficulty of it, so im going with the whole Qualitative Train-of-Thought-with-regards-to-academia) . taking 6 modules next sem, heavyweightstuff go jia-you! taking (tentatively, still in midst of bidding)

1) South-asia Studies 1101E (South Asian Studies)
2) Sociology of Deviance (Sociology)
3) Social Psychology (Sociology)
4) Shakespeare (Literature)
5) 18thC Literature (Literature)
6) Singapore Eng-Lang Literature (Literature)

any partners-in-crime [module-mates] out there?


holidays have always taken on new, multiple meanings ever since 2003. somehow or rather, my real all-rounded education always start with the end of each semester in uni, so its been [4 ]blocks of holiday periods of which i can distinctively remember Growing into a Person - each holiday period bringing to mind vastly different set of challenges and direction, albeit a common similarity - all tainted with the need of the letting go of various individuals and of Rebirth and Renewal. someone once remarked to me; 'so aren't you seriously jaded? and all i can say is that i am honestly not.

it is a tiresome affair - this loss of much-loved individuals for i value heart-to-hearts and add that to my further oft-melancholic-nostalgic self but nothing beats the multiple Rays of Hope - manifested itself not just in the semblances of the Future but also in the simplicity of Life itself - in the pulse and beat of the mundane, in beauty, in love, in plays and trigger-happy-ing, in detoxifying, in fruits + vegetables and Willy Wonka movie. oh, in walking in the rain just when it starts pouring when you're blading/running on your way to east coast. that happened to jas and me today - thanks love for your sweet presence, monologue-ing your one-woman play, morphing into Ms Grumps and letting the Rhino out. sharks, i wouldnt have enjoyed this dec without you.

and new photos are up - look under the folder *Dec 05* - some are past holiday photos which never got a chance to Doppelganger-themselves (pix uploaded only recently), of which some would know what i mean when i say that each holiday presents itself differently.

one thing i'mpretty sure - no Past would repeat itself in the Future. (unless Mr-Meadow-Maker wills it to be but i seriously hope not)


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