Wednesday, October 05, 2005

it was in my head to comment on the nature of how Po-Mo (flash-flash term for postmodernism) is taking over the world - how disjointed everything is, how we're living simulated reality, forever performing, enacting and referencing to other cultures, how we're cultural orphans and embracing all cultures of the world (ie: the term 'Malay' has lost its organic meaning. and hence the need to stereotype, sad as it is, as a means ot garner a hold on culture. like your derogatory term of a 'minah' - double edged as it is, cos it serves a higher, more lofty purpose - to reference to your ethnicity, to affirm one's ethnic and cultural sensibility)

but firs has already done that in his blog - 'so po-mo' - and hence your sms to me some immemorial past back, bout our imagined connectivity.heh)

actually, my whole point wasnt to write bout all the rubbish i wrote on top. understand, that i have just exited a recent socio class just barely 5 mins ago and my mind's running wild.

my po-mo-ness stems from (like firs) the increasing fragmentation of my thoughts.
i think i have the attention span of a two-year old kid.
i can barely hold a thought for 5 mins (unless i engrave it, concretize it on paper/laptop) cos im so used to multi-tasking nowadays, in betwixt classes, on buses, during meals.

right now, one thought - i am reading my life away. all my characters get mixed up, they jump from one grand narrative to another, they have a life of their own and the real ones pale - become wallpapers, as i brush past them without taking in their presence.

i think i have Selective-Presence-Tendency. How Po-Mo. How Psychology. How Literature. How Social Science. How Harry-Potter-and-His-Invisible-Cloak.


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