Friday, August 12, 2005

because i love my friend serene, i shall oblige her with an update since she requested for one. mostly on my mind - yay, last year in school - yay, for two things - i am embracing school for once this sem, loving the various kinds of knowledge that is to come, and yay for finally letting go of the social yardsticks of academia for i come armed with my own set expectations of what i want from, tritely putting it, this 'university experience' so to speak. being grade-focus has gotten me nowhere but brought me all the evil ills of human miseries and woe - jadedness, fear and so forth , which leads to an eventual dwindling presence in class and a consequential pull-out, both that of the physical and mental. i stopped enjoying school and that, i think, is very sad because all my lit and theatre classes came to naught (and i brought along with me nothing).

other than that, i honestly hate work. let me be a full-time student, i promise i wont spend so much on ichiban boshi, starbucks, my quest for bak chor mee in singapore, my vanity products in the quest for a more luminiscent skin, or mindlessly buying all unnecessary potentially harmful items that will burn holes in pockets. i think steamboat might also count ;)


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