Saturday, August 20, 2005

McHappiness and McSchool

ra had a Macdonald's birthday party for his 21st - for a big boy, it was a pretty Interesting one - think 'wash your hands before we eat our Happy Meals'/funky chicken dance/McHappy meals complete with our toys and McBalloons/musical chairs of which i was one of the last vestiges of survivors before i decided i was having far too much fun n getting competitive n squashing the butt's of the other (big) kids/McSmiles complete with my favorite people - ser, jen n zhen/choo-choo train forfeits around Novena McDonald's/party hats with name tags and best of all, a McDonald Birthday Cake. wow.

other than that, a non-sequitur courtesy of zhen;

sha, you're like a turtle - you carry your whole house along with you.

aha. it reeks of flyfreebird, (whatever it means to you and everything that means to me) , donch ya think?


will update the photos soon.
meanwhile on another note, for those interested in browsing low-brow academia-ish entries (actually cos its a requirement for one for my lit modules (The Body: Politics,Poetics,Perception) cos this alternative blog would be graded.

how funky. dance the funky chicken dance sha lala.


Wednesday, August 17, 2005

nutshell is a nutshell does.
in oversimplying oneself, you reduce complexities, and what if you find an empty core to your name, a bad nut, as Willy Wonka, in his visionary eyes would have sized you up. let this life be beautiful, and in that innermost essence of Beauty, ill lend you my eyes through which to see the world - in all its ugliness, in all its subliminal force unhinging your very being, in its most banal and mundane state.

beauty is as beauty does.
my vision of reality may not be yours to grasp, but on days when i watch Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, on days when i walk alongside canals just to have a whiff of the sea, on days when i really look beyond what you are and start seeing who you are, maybe, just maybe, those new eyes might just emerge.

Friday, August 12, 2005

because i love my friend serene, i shall oblige her with an update since she requested for one. mostly on my mind - yay, last year in school - yay, for two things - i am embracing school for once this sem, loving the various kinds of knowledge that is to come, and yay for finally letting go of the social yardsticks of academia for i come armed with my own set expectations of what i want from, tritely putting it, this 'university experience' so to speak. being grade-focus has gotten me nowhere but brought me all the evil ills of human miseries and woe - jadedness, fear and so forth , which leads to an eventual dwindling presence in class and a consequential pull-out, both that of the physical and mental. i stopped enjoying school and that, i think, is very sad because all my lit and theatre classes came to naught (and i brought along with me nothing).

other than that, i honestly hate work. let me be a full-time student, i promise i wont spend so much on ichiban boshi, starbucks, my quest for bak chor mee in singapore, my vanity products in the quest for a more luminiscent skin, or mindlessly buying all unnecessary potentially harmful items that will burn holes in pockets. i think steamboat might also count ;)