Tuesday, May 17, 2005

zhen turned 21 the other day.with much muackie muacks and happy blow-wind-blow kisses, this dear girl has had a quiet presence in my life. many of my old-is-gold friends usually do - we lead non-intrusive independent lives apart from each other but deep within each of us is a secret gold thread that binds our hearts, ties them with such quiet force that withstand much of the weathering of time and distance. Esp those two, since our lives revolves much around the windmills of Time and Distance.

the beautiful birthday girl and her pretty cake (icing courtesy of shooby) - oh btw this is the girl i spent V. day this year with, nursing hearts over dvds n home-made foodie n girl talk alright and no less.
go to : http://www.xanga.com/home.aspx?user=lifewithfleur (13 may, 2005)


jen oh jen, wherefore art thou coming back from taiwan? im missing you you know that. got plenty of stories to tell. but ive no more stories to make if you dont come back. we gotta get back on track AND on the track to run.


hope deferred? ive got that hope in my heart! tender heart, be still and be very tender (not medium well, not medium rare. but rare and juicy and juicier still) and maybe you wont be all that cryptic or disillusioned or cynical. out, out, out!


3 jabs and that was a superwoman feat for me.the needles were huge, but the bacterias huge-r. flu has run its course and hopefully for another yr or so while it radiates/recycles/travels round my body, these live germs would kick the butts of any flu viruses that comes near this fragile frame of mine. bye bye FLU, it was nice getting acquainted with you. you saw me thru the exams and brought along your best-friend Mr.Fever entirely unannounced, you were still with me thru the beginning of the holidays when i should be alive n well, thru delirium n what-not. you were my over-rated friend when human presence were, for a time, absent. for now, however, i wish to communicate with my earthly companions in my image and not just with you. you made me awfully depressed so i dont quite like you very much.

Farewell, Mr. Flu. Rest In Peace (and no less).


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