Thursday, March 31, 2005

the rainbow connection and one-liners and half-finished stories

the non-existence of a computer in my new place and the untimely cut-off of the internet connection from my old have forced me to seek out an internet cafe along katong rd - well, not quite a cafe but close enough (open-air non-aircon concept). at only $1 per hr, this place can be deemed as quaint, faintly dubious and erm, distastefully eclectic. On the walls are a fair mixture of sci-fi movie posters, a classic painting by Verrall titled Un Pichet de limonade (which i presume says: A Pitcher of Lemonade), Islamic inscriptions and Mother Mary in various manifestations. And right at the back of this place near the entrance of the toilets are two coffins. Real Coffins. im not joking. i can only postulate that the owner of this place is 1) a part-time undertaker 2) does not have enough rooms in his own private house to store up his coffin which he bought in advance 3) i cant think of any other ideas!

this place closes at 12, and i cant be more than thankful to know that i can at least walk home (45 mins i think but i wouldnt mind a leisure midnight stroll).


they're doing renovations soon so im gonna be kicked out and denied access and hence its all back to lorong ah soo all over again till after mid april. got lots of things to write about but shall concentrate on the research that i have to do online. the counter is ticking.

remind me to write about;
1) Hey Jude, Jian Dan Ai and being a Jay Chou convert (or at least my friends tried to)
2) trooping round Emerald Hill residential area and Little India with ser
3) my fav love for all things alliteration and classic one-liners

ok will let you in on something i heard online.

Men with pierced ears are better prepared for marriage -
they have already bought jewellery and have experienced pain.

something i heard on 98.7 fm



The price of admission is your mind.


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