Saturday, February 12, 2005


booOoo!!shivs created this blog for me. im pretty unsure as in what do write or muse upon in this blog cos having a public blog, proclaiming to all all that makes up shasha, is a pretty daunting affair and i feel pretty vulnerable. but, i will try, in an attempt to swim out of that shell out to the shores of the Real World. swell. right shasha.

one entity does not equate to not having different layers of the self.

im over at shivie's place, just had a virgin-attempt in cooking pasta (tomato-based) with sausages. yes yes i am a closet cook. a good bonding session, complete with chocolates(whichis NOT a rarity in her house.which reminds me, i wll, be the chocolate mascot for all chocolate manufacterers in my ideal house when i have one of my own. which also reminds me that my husband and i would have to watch that weight of ours.which reminds me too that we'll also have to live near the beach, pref east coast, so we can run/jog/blade/cycle/swim. which reminds me also that hey,, i might not get married too, but im pretty fine with that too and ill do all that alone)

simplicity is the way to go when you dont want to miss out on life's simple pleasures.

right now, i want the evening sun on my face, the sea breeze to gently whsiper to me, and God to speak to me. ok, i need a time-out now, gonna speak to Him, kinda miss Him.


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